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Thank you to our volunteers

Thank you debbie sutton!


Meet Debbie.


One way of the many ways Debbie volunteers

her time to Active Grace is by writing

personalized, handwritten thank you notes to

everyone who lends a helping hand at

Active Grace. The labor of love brings a smile

to the faces of our hard-working volunteer base.


We’ll take a page out of your book, Debbie,

and say THANK YOU!


Interested in volunteering like Debbie? Email

us at:





Thank you

Dave and billie sagers!

Thank You Marcie Dove!




Meet Marcie.


Marcie helps run Active Grace’s food pantry, which is open to the community from 5:30-7:30 on Tuesday evenings and 1:00-3:00 on Thursday afternoons. Marcie feels called to serve the Lord in this ministry.


“I like the people here,” Marcie said. “I’ve made new friends here. The residents help us out and we’re helping out the community”

If you want to serve at Active Grace like Marcie, visit:


Meet Dave and Billie.


Dave and Billie help with Active Grace’s food pantry, which is open to the community from 5:30-7:30 on Tuesday evenings and 1:00-3:00 on Thursday afternoons. They check clients in and helps residents and community members with their food selection.


“This is a way of building relationships with people that are underserved for their food,” Dave said. “Even suburban homes are one paycheck needed away from assistance and we like to help with that.”


Interested in volunteering like Dave and Billie?Email us at:












Thank You Travis Baugh!

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Thank you Tom Fisher!

Tom works tirelessly and joyfully at whatever is needed: from picking up large donated items to fixing toilets, he is our guy!


Tom and his wonderful wife, Liz, have served Active Grace for years and have made it their mission field.  He likes volunteering because he finds it fulfilling and he enjoys meeting new people.


Thank you Tom!   

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